Editors Note:
We represent the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) community. This site was created in 2006. Recently, the commercial SAR industry has seen a very large boom. Regulators have relaxed rules, New Space entrepreneurs are developing disruptive technologies and many traditional SAR systems are past their design life.
This website is updated and moderated by SAR nerds just like you. We do not seek to generate a profit from this website and our goal is to further the SAR industry.
Note: English may not be the first language of some contributors please expect to see syntax and grammar errors.
Opinions and analysis, we print them. Please provide a headshot with your editorial.
Submit op-eds here: contact us.
Moderators and Authors Wanted
This website is run by volunteers, we need help generating original stories, interviews and providing the best resources we can to the SAR industry.
If you would like to volunteer. Please contact us.
*We do have one rule about volunteers. If you work in the SAR industry, you cannot write an article about your own organization or your direct competitors.
New Stories
If you have a worthwhile Synthetic Aperture Radar story about ground, spaceborne or airborne SAR please contact us and we will be happy to print it.
For the most part, we do not print “puff” press releases unless there is groundbreaking news in them. This rule also extends to market reports involving radar. Stop sending market report index’s to us, we will NOT print them.
Journals/ Academic Work
We have a short review process for academic papers for our library, please email the PDF and abstract here.
Old Stories or Removal
When our moderators see a story which includes Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) worth viewing we often add it to our website. We do our best to link, cite and credit journals, news organizations, and authors. If you see a story which is in any way inappropriate or not properly cited please email us a link to the story and the problem so we can fix it.